Section 1

The Intent And Methodology Of Infinite Particle Physics (IPP)

The Intent Of IPP

IPP investigates the possibility of understanding the mechanics of physical phenomena by imagining the whole of physics as simply dynamic patterns in an infinite particulate space lattice. It focuses on the puzzling "what", "why", & "how" questions of particle physics, nuclear physics, quantum physics, and astrophysics, and finds satisfying answers to many of these long-standing mysteries by using a radically different mode of enquiry. Here are some of the questions that IPP investigates:

A New Method Of Enquiry

My new method of enquiry involves an inversion in our way of perceiving physical phenomena. Instead of considering particles to be composed of discrete point-like objects of infinitesimal size, my approach considers particles to be clusters of lattice defects of various compositions, which bind and distort point-centered lattice-density oscillations of discrete energy content that expand at superluminal speed toward infinite size, in a space lattice that is common to all matter. Let me explain what persuaded me to adopt this approach.

In July of 1971, I was reading a Scientific American article about an experiment at SLAC, which described the production of hadrons (mostly pions) by directing very high-energy photons at foil targets made of metals of various densities. The authors interpretation of this effect was contained in the title "Photons as Hadrons", which implied that the creation of these pions was perhaps due to high-energy photons taking on the character of hadrons, and hence that the observed pions were merely released structural artifacts of the photon, itself (i.e., they were already present in energy).

This interpretation that matter and energy were structurally equivalent bothered me! What seem more likely to me was that the arrested photon energy was creating matter from space, itself. Perhaps released energy could rearrange* the constituents of space, thereby creating new space configurations that we might ultimately understand as the structure of matter.

* If you click on the last item on the Navigation Bar, you will find a detailed account of how this initial hunch evolved into the most compelling concept of Infinite Particle Physics, namely, "defect-pairs".

This thought naturally caused me to ask myself this profound question:

This question raised other questions:

These questions were just the opening gambit in a thirty-one year chess match with Nature. Whether I, or Nature, won this match, you can judge for yourself!

Pedagogy Appropriate To The New Method Of Enquiry

The "what","why", & "how" questions that IPP seeks to answer are only a slight embarrassment to the current pedagogy of physics. They are easily rationalized away as atavistic mental impediments that stand in the way of gaining "true" understanding, which lies in mastering mathematical equations. Forget about them, you are advised!

I couldn't forget, and, if you are reading this, I will presume that you can't either. So what approach can we take, if mathematics doesn't yield the understanding we crave? My perception is that you and I will find answers to "why" questions, when we have learned to visualize physical phenomena as a multiplicity of individual point-centered dynamic distortion patterns expanding endlessly in an infinite bipolar polycrystalline space lattice, shared in common by all. And the only way these concepts can be effectively taught to others is by showing them a huge variety of animated three-dimensional drawings, and then describing, in words, their structure, function, and significance. Here are some details:

Three-dimensional drawings: There are over a hundred 3-D color images in this work, dozens of them animated, of particles, nuclei, lattice-density oscillations, and hadron charge-exchanges. There are also more that a hundred schematics that allow an IPP-trained visualizer to form dynamic 3-D mental pictures of photons, leptons, hadron resonances, multiplane nuclei, fields, forces, particle creations, interactions, and decays. These drawings & schematics play the role in IPP that equations do in the conventional pedagogy of physics. However, you should understand that IPP's drawings are inherently limited to snapshots of the central region of "infinite" dynamic patterns. You will need patience to learn how to perceive these as incessantly extending, endlessly oscillating lattice distortion patterns. The text accompanying the drawings should help you acquire a more accurate visual perception of the physical phenomenon a particular drawing is intended to represent. The text often provides, also, relevant historical and experimental information.

Since these drawings obviously are based upon ethereal space, a currently discredited notion, you will naturally be concerned whether I can show any evidence of their validity. I discuss this in the following paragraphs.

Mass-energy calculations: IPP's defect-pair concept of hadron particles permits deriving equations that calculate the mass-energies of their component defect-pairs within ± 0.01 MeV, and the simple sum of these component mass-energies frequently yield correlations with experiment to ± 0.01%. The defect-pair distortion patterns also yield a plausible explanation of strong force bonds, and permit deriving equations for calculating the mass-deficit of strong-force bonds between defect-pairs in hadron defect-pair clusters. These same equations, without alteration, also work to calculate the individual strong-force bonds between nucleons in nuclei, yielding, for simple nuclei up to atomic mass 11, correlations typically within ± 0.02 MeV of the experimental mass-deficit values.

Future possibilities for further quantitative validation of IPP: When other physicists study IPP, and use mathematical methods to explore its geometric concepts, I expect them to find ways to program computers to produce much more accurate dynamic distortion patterns of all of IPP's particle & nuclear concepts. I think it is probable that these new insights will lead them to find a quantitative relationship between point-centered rhombic lattice distortion and mass-energy. This discovery should allow them to calculate lepton mass-energies.

Qualitative insights: IPP is persuasive, because it uncovers new qualitative insights to many long-standing mysteries by reasoning from a small number of fundamental assumptions. This introduction contains a large number of these qualitative insights. To call these to your attention, I have highlighted the explained mysteries in dark red font.

Introduction - Section 2: "Space Concepts Of IPP"

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